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Pay by link makes it easy to get paid online. Your customer simply taps the unique Pay by Link button and is directed to a secure website hosted by us.

Create a payment link and get paid in minutes.

A convenient, safe and simple way to get paid. Generate new links in a matter of seconds, and allow your customers to pay you from anywhere in the world. Send the link directly to their email or by SMS from your Dapio app.

Payments are just a tap away with Pay By Link

It pays to get paid with Dapio, revolutionise the way you do it.
1. Tap create new link in the Pay by Link transaction overview
2. Fill out the customers details and the amount you wish to charge
3. Either share directly to the customers email, via SMS or WhatsApp
4. The customer will fill out their credit or debit card details in the secure webpage hosted by dapio.
5. Payment complete! A push notification will be sent to confirm the payment.
Like what you see?
Pay by link
for partners
Give your business customers the option to send payment links to their own customers. Embed our Pay by Link feature into your Tap to Pay app, and enjoy our revenue sharing program.
Find out more about partnerships